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Artikel-Nr.: 5992
Marke: Halo USA Liquids
Lileferumfang: 10ml Nikotin-Shot 20mg Fusion 50/50 VG/PG von Halo Marke: Halo Mischtabellen weiter unten:
Artikel-Nr.: 6483
Marke: Halo USA Liquids
Lileferumfang: 10 ml Booster Fusion 50/50 Halo 20mg Salt (Nikotinsalz)Marke: HaloPG / VG 50 pg / 50VGTx Nicotine 20 mg / mlMischtabellen weiter unten:
Artikel-Nr.: 9447
Marke: Liquideo
Lileferumfang: Nikotin Shot Booster 50/50 Liquideo 20mg vers. MischverhältnisseLiquideo-Nikotin-Booster von 10 ml und 20 mg, erhältlich in verschiedenen Geschwindigkeiten von PG/VG: 50/50, 70/30, 30/70 und volles VG zur Anpassung an alle Heimwerker.10ml Nikotin 20 mg / ml mit
Artikel-Nr.: 13086
Marke: supervape
Nicomax 20mg - SuperVape - Shot - Booster 20PG / 80VG 10ml - SuperVape - Shot - Booster oder50PG / 50 VG 10ml - auswählbarSuperVape's Lösung zum Aufpeppen Ihrer E-Liquids! Nikotinbasis mit 20mg/ml, um Ihre DIY-Basen zu verstärken - dies ist die maximal zulässige Rate nach TPD-Standards für 10ml-Flaschen. Verfügbare Raten: 20 PG/80 VG Basis für...
Pods Kompatibel mit Juwell BO Podsystemen
Aside from its performance and compact size, the management of regulated voltage output up to the half-discharged battery, its rechargeable ceramic resistor pod is compatible with the Bo One of the Jwell brand ..... Products are available, price very competitive.
The Smoke Vape mini pod is an automatic pod mod specially designed for e-liquids based on nicotine salt, but also for classic e-liquids, you have the possibility to choose a strong or weak e-liquid Nicotine level.
Ultra-compact in size, easy to fill, leak-proof, it's easy to use and fun to take anywhere. Battery life 320mAh, when it is fully charged (white battery indicator), it delivers a regulated voltage output to 3.6V continuously until the battery discharged at 50% (blue indicator), this function offers a vape more balance during long hours of vape by avoiding fluctuations of strong sensation at the beginning and the fall of brutal power as of the 3rd puff, for example.
Revolutionary ceramic resistance, thanks to the latter, it offers better hold over time, more flavor and dry hit is over!
The pods of Smoke Vape Mini Pod are compatible with the Bo One of the JWELL.
Specifications Kit Minifit: